Thursday, May 22, 2014

Exact Titanic Replica?

A couple days ago, I was thinking: What if someone made an EXACT Titanic replica? Not just a model, but a  real sized replica of the ship with correct rooms and everything. People could walk in and see what life was really like aboard the ship. You would see every room, the boilers, the generators, the parlor suites, the swimming pool, everything. All the  little details like the types of paint really used will be included too. And, the ship would be in the water, with only 20 lifeboats. You may ask yourself "How in the world can we do this? The law restricts that!" Well, the ship will be in water, but not in the middle of the ocean. It will be in a dock. So, people would travel over to the dock and get their tickets in. Upon entrance, they would get a book telling you about rooms on Titanic. So, if you went into a room and wanted to learn more about it, you would would flip through the book until you found info on it. Also, smoke machines would be in the funnels so smoke would come out of the 3 funnels, and make it look realistic. And, sound effects would be included in certain rooms. For example, if you're in the engine room you'll here the engines moving. As much as I wish this could all happen, it was all a dream. But we can dream, right?

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